Club Entry Form

Club Entry Form

Send Level 1 & 2 electronic meet entries/enquiries to level1and2meetentries@gmail.com and winngalaentries@gmail.com

Send level 3 & 4 electronic meet entries/enquiries to winsfordgalas@gmail.com and winngalaentries@gmail.com

Level 1 and 2 meets are administered and entered by Carol Robson on level1and2meetentries@gmail.com.

Level 3 and 4 meets are administered and entered by Kate Jolliffe on winsfordgalas@gmail.com.

All meets are collated and payments managed by Dave Moss on winngalaentries@gmail.com

If you cannot complete the form using Excel, printed blank copies can be obtained from the club desk, completed manually and photographed to email to the Gala Team if necessary.