Contact Us

Role Name Email address Additional Information
Chairman Barry Keeling barrygk41@icloud.com 01606 888164
Treasurer Hayley Lee financegroupwasc@gmail.com  
Club Secretary Jacqui Jones clubsecwasc@gmail.com  
Squad Trials / Join us Barry Keeling barrygk41@icloud.com  For swimmers who have completed stage 7 and may want to compete
Lesson Enquiries (Stage 1 to 5) Brio Leisure   Brio Leisure 01606 550700 (not Winsford Swimming Club)
Lesson Enquiries (Stage 6 & 7) Michael Secker wasclessons@gmail.com   
Membership Enquiries / cancellations Lisa Ball wascmembership@gmail.com  
Swim England Registrations Leanne Webster asaregwasc@gmail.com SE Club Compete (previously called Cat 2) registrations to allow swimmers to compete.
Meet Entries 

Amanda Harrison



League Gala Manager & 50m
Training Co-ordinator

Claire Brown claire_brown@aol.com  
Welfare Officers

Catharine Line
Lucy Lee
Cally Buso
Rebecca Butterworth

Gala Committee

Sue Wright
Lucie George
Sarah Carss
Lisa Ball
Nina Jackson

Parent Squad Representatives

Claire Turner (Juggernauts)

 via - clubsecwasc@gmail.com Mum of Lewis and Ciaran



Ali Brennan (Development)

ali1974@btinternet.com Mum of Molly (Juggernauts) and Sophie (Development)

Ivan Davies (Development)

ivan.davies1@btinternet.com Dad of George Davies (Development)


Social Committee

Claire Turner

Amanda Harrison

Carol Fletcher

via - clubsecwasc@gmail.com or


Press Officer Volunteer needed    
Website Oli Wright winsford.asc.web@gmail.com To register with the website email winsford.asc.web@gmail.com
  https://www.facebook.com/WinsfordASC/ Parents' only communication page also available.
Additional External Contacts      
SENW Regional Welfare Officer Beverley Raistrick welfare@swimnorthwest.org  
Cheshire Welfare Office Allan Freeman welfare@swimcheshire.org  
Swim England Child Safeguarding Team     01509 640270
Swim Line     0808 100 4001
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline     0808 800 5000