Coaching Staff & Club Captains

Coach and Lessons: Michael Secker

ASA Level 2 Teacher/ Level 1 coach

Coach: Molly James

SE Level 2 Coach & ASA Level 2 Teacher

Coach: Izzy Burton

SE Level 2 Coach & ASA Level 2 Teacher

Coach:Reece Craghill

SE Level 2 Coach and J2S Official


Female Club Captain 2023: Carla Jackson

SE Level 2 Teacher

Female Vice Captain 2023: Amy Kenworthy

SE Level 2 Teacher

Male Club Captain 2023: Lewis Turner

Contact Lewis at the pool or email:lewisturner369@gmail.com

Male Vice Captain 2023: Adam Wright

SE Level 2 Teacher


Other Helpers

Nickie Ma: Level 2 Teacher and Level 1 Coach

Andy Jones: Level 1 Coach

Dave Pettengel: Level 4 Coach

Barry Keeling: Level 2 Teacher


To contact the coaching staff please email clubsecwasc@gmail.com or wingalateam@gmail.com and we will pass on your query.




Head Coach - Dan Goodwin

Coaching Qualification
ASA/UKCC L3 Senior Coach
Swimming & Coaching Background
Many moons…

Michael Secker

Coaching Qualification
ASA Level 2 Swimming Teacher
Swimming & Coaching Background

I …

Izzy Burton


Physiotherapy Student

Swim England Level 2 swimming teacher.

Swimming Background…