Checklist for Transferring from another club to join Winsford

1. Complete Online Membership Form

2. Complete Standing Order Form - for details of Club Fees see here and for who to give it to.

3. Register for Website AND reply to automated response to verify a genuine enquiry/request -  this provides email updates with club news, training changes etc and access to members' only areas.

4. Join Brio Lifestyle Centre (unless in Transition B & C) - we have to pay or swipe in to every evening session at the Lifestyle Centre (except Saturday) and 6.30am -7am of a weekday morning session if accessed. Details on fees page but you need to enquire at reception. 

5. Request to join closed Facebook group (parents only) AND answer verification questions.

6. Please remember to resign from your current club if you are not dual clubbing.

Any queries please email Sue on wingalateam@gmail.com or ask Barry Keeling barrygk41@icloud.com