Tuesday 11th Feb 5-7am - BK Skills Session - Coaches Feedback
I would like to say a massive THANK YOU and WELL DONE to all swimmers who attended the Winsford Swim Team Backstroke Technique session on the morning of Tuesday 11th February. We had an absolutely fantastic number of swimmers in attendance, 33 swimmers of which 27 were club swimmers and 6 masters in the pool, all working together, listening, learning and ultimately focused on improving their Backstroke technique. For myself and Michael it was fantastic to see so many swimmers and so many youngsters in the pool (everyone aged 99 or under is a youngster). It was clear that everyone in attendance made giant strides forwards in their stroke and achieved something great before the day had even begun!
The plan is to continue the Technique and Skills sessions on a weekly basis. Next week however due to the senior swim camp and half term the schedule will be a little bit different, details will be going out tomorrow, so watch this space.
The next Technique and skill session on a Tuesday morning will be on the 25th February.
The focus for this session will be: FRONTCRAWL
I hope we can again have a great number of swimmers in attendance.