WASC Notice of AGM - 2020
Notice of AGM
Winsford Amateur Swimming Club
6.45pm Tuesday November 10th 2020
Virtual Via Zoom Meetings
The Club Annual General Meeting, deferred from March, will now take place virtually on Tuesday November 10th 2020. All are welcome to attend however the virtual meeting platform will accommodate a maximum of 100 participants.
Link to attendance
Meeting ID: 891 2732 0588
1 |
Chair’s welcome and apologies |
Barry |
2 |
Chairman’s Report |
Barry |
3 |
Treasurer’s Report |
Suzanne |
4 |
Coaches Report |
Dan |
5 |
Committee Roles & Nominations |
Barry |
6 |
There are a number of volunteer vacancies for positions on the committee for Squad Representatives who support the Coaching Team in liaising with members and squad co-ordination. If particular members would like to volunteer to support the Coaches and the Committee can they contact the Club Secretary, by Saturday Oct 31st, at ClubSecWASC@gmail.com
We are pleased that Barry Keeling is continuing as Chairman and we look to confirm the appointment as Club Officers, Suzanne Wilson and Lee Turner, as Treasurer and Club Secretary respectfully, succeeding Helen Jones and David Cushen.
Proposed WASC Committee 2020
1. |
Chairman |
Barry Keeling |
2. |
Treasurer |
Suzanne Wilson |
3. |
Club Secretary |
Lee Turner |
4. |
Squad Representatives |
Transition |
Development 1 |
Development 2 |
Juggernaut 1 |
Julie Grindley (Juggernaut) |
Masters |
5. |
Gala Manager |
Sue Wright |
6. |
Team Manager |
Claire Brown |
7. |
Judges Representative |
Lucie George |
8. |
Swim England Registrations |
Liza Fitzgerald |
9. |
Membership Secretaries |
Debra Thompson (A-F) |
Sarah Carss (G-N) |
Jacqueline Reynolds (O-Z) |
10. |
Club Welfare Officer |
Catharine Line |
Sarah Keeling |