Request for Volunteers

You will have seen from Michael’s recent web item that we are currently looking for more volunteers to help run our Club.

I would repeat and reinforce this by reminding all members that Clubs only run with continuous volunteer support. We are very fortunate in that we have good parental support currently, but many of our key volunteers have swimmers nearing University age.

We are, therefore, looking to recruit new parents into our Club structure, with roles covering Judging and Timekeeping, Team Manager and Poolside Helper, Committee Member and Administration.

Without volunteers to fill these roles the Club would, in the long term, be unable to run.

This is a good time to get involved, with plenty of help available from current volunteers in all areas and training courses freely available from Swim England where required.

Any parent wishing to get involved should speak with Lee Turner, Sue Wright, Sara Carss or myself, or any current Committee member.



WASC Chairman

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