Cheshire Champs 2022 - Day 4 Report - Super Sunday

Congratulations to everyone who raced on what we are now calling, Super Sunday. Today was really a super day with our biggest medal hall in one day for the 2022 championships to date. Today we achieved an additional 33 medals over the 7 races swum, with 8 Gold, 12 Silver and 13 Bronze medals. Add to this we achieved an enormous number of finals/top 8 placings and new life time bests. We also had Lewis Turner, Adam Wright, Lois Inch, Amy Kenworthy and Carys Roberts achieving either junior or senior gongs, with Lewis being crowned champion for both junior and senior in the 1500 free.
A wonderful day of racing, with so many exciting races both in the heats and the finals, but especially in the finals, where all swimmers gave their all and fought for Winsford Swim Team. As always the support and team spirit shown was second to none, it really was.
We now look forward to the final weekend of racing where we will again be looking to swim extremely fast and have lots of fun doing it. 
We again want a full team racing, so as a club we can finish as high as possible in the points tables. Thank you to all swimmers and parents in their support for Team Winsford.
Roll Of Honour
Gold: 17
Silver: 34
Bronze: 34
Total Medals: 85
Total Finals: 166
Medal Winners: 28 Swimmers
Finalists: 50 Swimmers
Medal Winners for Day 4
Edward Ma: Gold 1500 Free
Ciaran Turner: Silver 1500 Free
Will Line: Gold 1500 Free
Lewis Turner: Gold 1500 Free, Gold (JR) 1500 Free, Gold (SR) 1500 Free
Adam Wright: Silver 1500 Free, Bronze (JR) 1500 Free
Ross Hanley: Bronze 1500 Free
George Young: Bronze 1500 Free
Hattie Lawson: Bronze 100 Brst
Serena Standring: Bronze 100 Brst
Lois Inch: Gold 100 Brst, Silver (JR) 100 Brst, Bronze (SR) 100 Brst
Harry Jones: Bronze 200 Free
Lewis Turner: Silver 200 Free, Bronze (JR) 200 Free
Annabelle Chan: Gold 200 Fly
Alissa Clarke: Silver 200 Fly
Amy Kenworthy: Silver 200 Fly, Silver (JR) 200 Fly, 
Sophie Grindley: Bronze 200 Fly
Gus Fraser: Bronze 100 Fly
Edward Ma: Bronze 100 Fly
Jack Wheeler: Gold 100 Fly
Lewis Turner: Silver 100 Fly, Silver (JR) 100 Fly
Eden Mankee: Silver 100 Free
Carys Roberts: Silver 100 Free, Silver (JR) 100 Free
Amy Kenworthy: Bronze 100 Free
Izzy Burton: Bronze 100 Free
Medals and Finalists (as at end of session 7)
Lois Inch (15) Gold 1500 Free, Gold 50 Brst, Gold 100 Brst, Bronze 800 Free, 4th 100 IM, 
Amy Kenworthy (16) Gold 400 Free, Gold 800 Free, Silver 200 Fly, Bronze 100 Free, 5th 100 Fly, 
Jack Wheeler (14) Gold 50 Fly, Gold 100 Fly, Bronze 50 Free, 4th 50 Bk, 5th 50 Brst, 7th 100 Bk, 
Lewis Turner (16) Gold 1500 Free, Silver 100 Bk, Silver 200 Brst, Silver 50 Fly, Silver 400 Free, Silver 400 IM, Silver 200 Free, Silver 100 Fly, 
Kate Schillinger (12) Gold 50 Fly, Bronze 50 Brst, Bronze 100 Bk, 5th 200 Bk, 5th 100 Free, 6th 100 IM, 
Annabelle Chan (12) Gold 200 Fly, Silver 100 Fly, 4th 100 Free,
Edward Ma (13) Gold 1500 Free, Bronze 200 Brst, Bronze 100 Fly, 4th 50 Fly, 4th 400 IM, 5th 800 Free, 6th 50 Free, 7th 200 Free, 
Will Line (15) Gold 1500 Free, Bronze 100 Bk, Bronze 400 Free, 5th 200 Brst, 5th 100 Fly, 6th 50 Fly, 7th 200 Free, 8th 50 Bk, 
George Young (17+) Gold 400 IM, Bronze 1500 Free, 4th 200 Brst, 6th 400 Free, 7th 200 Free, 
Jess Goldsmith (12) Gold 1500 Free, Bronze 400 Free, 
Eden Mankee (15) Silver 50 Fly, Silver 100 Free, 4th 50 Brst, 5th 100 IM, 5th 100 Bk, 5th 100 Brst, 
Sophie George (16) Silver 50 Fly, Silver 100 Fly, 5th 200 Fly, 7th 100 IM, 
Sophie Grindley (17+) Silver 1500 Free, Bronze 200 Fly, 4th 100 IM, 4th 100 Fly, 7th 400 Free, 7th 100 Free,
Izzy Fletcher (13) Silver 200 Bk, Bronze 100 IM, 5th 400 Free, 5th 100 Free,
Jack George (12) Silver 50 Bk, Bronze 100 Bk, 
Eleanor Ma (16) Silver 100 Bk, 4th 1500 Free, 4th 200 Bk, 4th 200 Fly, 5th 100 IM, 6th 100 Brst, 7th 50 Fly, 7th 50 Brst, 7th 100 Fly, 8th 400 Free, 
Molly Brennan (15) Silver 200 Bk, 4th 100 Bk, 
Ciaran Turner (13) Silver 1500 Free, Bronze 400 IM, 4th 100 Fly, 5th 50 Fly, 5th 400 Free, 
Izzy Burton (17+) Silver 100 Bk, Bronze 100 Free, 
Adam Wright (16) Silver 1500 Free, Bronze 400 Free, 4th 400 IM, 4th 200 Free, 4th 100 Fly, 5th 50 Fly, 
Carys Roberts (16) Silver 100 Free, 4th 100 Bk, 6th 400 Free, 6th 100 IM, 
Alissa Clarke (15) Silver 200 Fly, 4th 100 Fly, 
Harry Jones (12) Bronze 50 Free, Bronze 200 Free, 6th 50 Fly, 
Amelia Fitzgerald (13) Bronze 800 Free, 4th 1500 Free, 7th 400 Free, 7th 200 Fly, 
Hattie Lawson (10-11) Bronze 50 Brst, Bronze 100 Brst, 
Gus Fraser (10-11) Bronze 50 Fly, Bronze 100 Fly, 
Ross Hanley (16) Bronze 1500 Free, 5th 400 Free, 7th 200 Free, 
Serena Standring (12) Bronze 100 Brst, 5th 50 Brst, 8th 100 Fly, 
Charlotte Mullett (16) 4th 50 Brst, 4th 100 Brst, 
Erin Hardy (15) 4th 200 Fly, 5th 1500 Free, 7th 100 Fly, 8th 400 Free, 8th 800 Free, 
Abi Binns (16) 4th 100 Free, 5th 400 Free, 8th 50 Fly, 
Ruby Thomas (14) 4th 200 Bk, 6th 100 Bk, 7th 200 Fly, 
Andy Bolton (17+) 4th 200 Free, 8th 50 Fly,
Charlotte Peel (12) 4th 400 Free, 
Fraser McVicar (12) 4th 100 Bk, 
Toby Fonseca (13) 4th 200 Brst, 
Tom Kud (17+) 4th 100 Fly,
Tom Carss (17+) 4th 400 IM, 
Dan Richardson (14) 5th 200 Brst, 6th 400 IM, 7th 1500 Free, 
Alice Gooding (10-11) 5th 50 Brst, 6th 100 Free,
Jonny Mullett (17+) 5th 200 Free, 8th 50 Free,
Holly Venning (10-11) 5th 100 Free, 
Henry Ball (14) 6th 100 Bk, 6th 200 Brst, 8th 50 Bk, 
Toby Latimer (16) 6th 200 Brst, 7th 400 Free, 
Alfie Bloor (14) 6th 1500 Free, 8th 200 Brst, 
Carla Jackson (17+): 6th 200 Fly, 
Molly James (17+) 6th 100 IM, 
Harry Bloor (14) 7th 200 Brst, 
Ellie Davies (17+) 7th 200 Bk, 
Rebecca Line (14) 8th 200 Bk, 
Senior Medals
Lewis Turner: Gold 1500 Free, Silver 400 IM, 
Amy Kenworthy: Silver 400 Free, Bronze 800 Free, 
Lois Inch: Bronze 100 Brst,
Izzy Burton: Bronze 100 Bk, 
Junior Medals
Lewis Turner: Gold 1500 Free, Silver 50 Fly, Silver 400 IM, Silver 100 Fly, Bronze 100 Bk, Bronze 200 Brst, Bronze 400 Free, Bronze 200 Free,
Amy Kenworthy: Gold 400 Free, Silver 800 Free, Silver 200 Fly, 
Sophie George: Silver 50 Fly, Silver 100 Fly, 
Lois Inch: Silver 100 Brst, 
Carys Roberts: Silver 100 Free, 
Adam Wright: Bronze 1500 Free,

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