Mel Marshall Swim Clinic - 23rd April 2023 Repton  School, Derbyshire

An exciting opportunity has arisen for this Mel Marshall Swim Clinic, with 10 discounted places for Winsford Swimming Club Members, at £125 per swimmer. The Clinic will be coached by Mel Marshall (Adam Peaty's coach), supported by Tokyo Olympic Coach Dave Hemmings and Olympic Medalist James Wilby.
The day will consist of:-
- x2 Olympic Coach led Swim Sessions
- Land Circuit Session 
- Race day Nutrition Session 
- Advanced Swim Tech Analysis
- Essential Shoulder Work-Out
Any parent wishing to enrol a swimmer on this Clinic should contact Lisa on asaregwasc@gmail.com  for enrolment and payment arrangements. (NOT the booking details on the leaflet). This must be by or before 22nd January 2023.
We have also been offered an unprecedented opportunity with Mel offering to run a Zoom Motivational Workshop for all of our swimmers, date to be agreed, if we take up the 10 places on discounted offer.

To see the full programme details please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jLHQguPYVLQkBYaGUIdnygHyVk_k3KhNZF-aERrPkyY/preview



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