Swiping In, Dropping Off and Locking Up - 10/3/25

Swiping in - Juggernaut and Development swimmers

We have been asked by Brio to remind people to ensure they Swipe in at reception (or pay for entry) at the following times:

Any weekday morning session where you stay in after 6.30am (Swipe as you exit the building)

Monday 7.30-9.30pm 

Wednesday 6-7pm and 7-9pm 

Friday 6.30-8.30pm

Sunday 3.30-5.30pm and 5.30-6.30pm (both pool and gym session)

If you're running late, have forgotten your card or there is a queue you MUST still go to reception.  If Brio begin to charge us for the above sessions we will have to increase your swimming fees (by considerably more than the cost of a Brio membership)

Dropping Off - All Squads and Lessons 

When you drop off and pick up your child for swimming please use the car park or the designated drop off bay.  Please do not park on the corner before the zebra crossing.

Locking up - All Squads and Lessons

There was an incident on Friday evening where a swimmer's bag was removed from an unlocked locker and searched by a member of the public.  Please ensure (especially if you have any valuables) that your belongings are safely locked away.

Thank you


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