On Saturday 21st September, Winsford Swim Team converged at Winnington Park Recreation Club to celebrate all our swimmers and their achievements at the Club Championships and throughout the season. 
The evening was also an opportunity for us all to have a social and throw some shapes on the dance floor.  Special mention to Molly Brennan, Ciaran Turner and Penelope Harrison for leading the charge and keeping the party going! It was great to see everyone having a nice time and all our swimmers, together, having fun as a team.
Some thanks are in order.  Apologies if I have missed anyone:
Shanice Chan and Barry Keeling for organising the evenings awards.
Claire Turner and her team for organising the wonderful night and for putting together all the raffle prizes.
Thank you to everyone who donated a prize. 
Thank you to all the volunteers, including Poolside Helpers, Team Managers, Officials, Marshalls, Timing Team, Setter Upperers and Put Awayerers, Organisers, Committee Members and everyone working to keep the club running smoothly.  We genuinely would be nowhere without all your help.
Thank you to Lee Turner for your work as Secretary and Sarah Carss as Treasurer.  It was greatly appreciated 
A massive thank you to Claire Brown for a ridiculous number of roles including Coach, Team Manager, Official, Organiser and for just being you.  We are sorry to see you go.
Thank you to all the Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Assistants to the Coaches.  Molly, Izzy, Reece, Nickie, Andy, Ethan, Adam Blackburn, Amy, Abigail and John.
Thank you to all the Teachers.  Liv, Abigail (again), Adam Brown and Harriet.  Also Carla and Adam Wright (too many Adams) who have just finished to go to university. 
Finally.  Thank you to the swimmers.  You make it very easy for us to want to go to work (even the 5am starts) and give it our all for you.
Awards are as follows:
Senior Captain's Team 2024 - Amy Kenworthy and Max Kimber - Captains; Molly Brennan and Conor Jackson - Vice Captains
Junior Captain's Team 2024 - Kate Schillinger and Harry Jones - Junior Captains; Annabelle Chan and Gus Fraser - Junior Vice Captains
Top Boy from Club Champs - Toby Jones
Top Girl from Club Champs - Eris Coxon
Most Improved Juggernaut (Male) - Jefferson Jones
Most Improved Juggernaut (Female) - Holly Buckley
Most Improved Development (Male) - Abel Buso
Most Improved Development (Female) - Genevieve Wright
Most Outstanding Swimmer - Kate Schillinger
Volunteer of the Year - Nickie Ma
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