Spring Development Meet 2025 - Information for Visiting Clubs

MEET IS NOW FULL WITH A RESERVE LIST EXCEPT for the 50 free and 100 fly in Session 2

This is a Development Meet designed for swimmers aged 9+

50m & 100m all strokes plus 100m and 200m Individual Medley over 2 sessions. 

Medals for 1st to 6th places. (with engraving available for £2.50 per medal)

There are upper limits (based very loosely on historic Regional Times) but no lower limits (coaches estimates help for seeding purposes)

Age as of 12th April 2025

For full details, programme and promoter's conditions please click here

You do not need a licensed time to enter, however a coaches estimated time would help with seeding (or put 00:00.00 instead of a time).

You must be 9 years old to enter on the day of the meet and be Club Compete (formerly Cat 2) registered.

£7.00 per race entry up to 12th March 2025, then late entry £10.00 if space allows up to the 12th April. Plus £2 admin fee.

Electronic Entry 

A document can be found here setting out how you will need to enter this competition. The format follows previous years but we have also added an older age group to allow older swimmers to compete and get some new times.

This is a first come first served gala so we recommend you get your entries in early. If you wish to track your club's entries please contact contact@swimming.events to do this.

The link for the entry: https://swimming.events/meets/458

All information is here and gives you the days left until our closing dates. ENTRIES OPEN AT 9am ON SATURDAY 8th FEBRUARY

If you have any questions about the entry process please contact contact@swimming.events and they will get back to you to respond to any queries. Any technical issues will be best solved with a screenshot of the issue and a full description of how you got there. We are told this is the best way for them to solve issue. 

An additional admin fee of £2.00 has been placed on each swimmer entering the gala. This is to contribute to the poolside passes. These will be allocated in accordance with the new regulations - approximately to the ratio of 1 pass per 10 swimmers. All persons poolside with swimmers must have an up to date DBS.


Advance withdrawals are using the 'My Events' section of Swimming Events up to 8:30am on Saturday 12th April. For all other queries and medical withdrawals please contact wingalateam@gmail.com.


Officials will be needed - if you can help please email Nina at WASCofficials@gmail.com. A meal allowance will be provided.

To volunteer (in any capacity) please complete this form: https://forms.gle/baqMGzAzu17bsq3y5

Roles for Volunteers - If you have volunteered - please check here for your role. This may be subject to change if we have cancellations.

Spectator Tickets

In order to ensure we do not over fill the balcony tickets will be sold - unfortunately with a limit of one per swimmer to give everyone an opportunity to see their swimmer swim. There are 90 seats and is a maximum capacity of 140 on the balcony.

Spectator tickets can be purchased here:(Coming after accepted entries are published) by the person who made the gala entry - only one ticket per swimmer due to balcony capacity, sorry. Please contact wingalateam@gmail.com for a free accompanying child ticket.


Poolside is going to be very busy - please do not bring big bags poolside - leave them in the lockers (or Group Change for Winsford). Brio often do not allow swimmers to have phones poolside either so be prepared for that.

We only have the pool from pm, access to poolside will be from about pm. Warm ups from pm. Please do not come too early.

Raffle and Cake Stall

We will be holding a raffle and cake stall upstairs by the balcony entrance.

Filming for GCSE and A Level PE

Filming may be taking place for GCSE and A Level PE - if you wish to film for these purposes, or do not wish to be filmed, please email wingalateam@gmail.com asap.


Set up: 12:15pm
Poolside/Balcony opens 12:30pm(ish)
Session 1 Warm ups start 12:45pm
Session 1 Start 1:30pm
Session 1 Finish 4:30pm

Session 2 Warm ups start 5pm
Session 2 Start 5:40pm
Session 2 Finish 8:30pm


Warm up information

Please see below for the warm up schedules - starting at 12:45pm and 5pm

Warm Up Schedule
Max 8 swimmers per lane
Session 1Session 2
Warm up 1 Warm up 1
12:45 - 12:55pm5:00 - 5:10pm
Warm up 2Warm up 2
12:55 - 1:05pm5:10 - 5:20pm
Warm up 3Warm up 3
1:05 - 1:15pm5:20 - 5:30pm
Warm up 4Warm up 4
1:15 - 1:25pm5:30 - 5:40pm
Winsford Winsford