September Survey, Bank Holiday Changes and Checking the Schedule

  • 27 August 2020 16:29
Thank you to the 75% of you that have completed the survey so far and to all those who have shown that they are willing to be flexible with swim days/times. It will greatly help us to offer more tra…
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Land Training Cancelled - Tuesday 25th August - this was the last out door session at Knights Grange

  • 25 August 2020 14:47
Unfortunately we have had to take the decision to cancel land training this evening.  Due to the wind speed and ever dampening conditions we don't believe it would be beneficial or indeed safe to atte…
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Start of Week 4 Feedback and flexible training times in September

  • 25 August 2020 12:48
The transition to 6 lanes has been very positive with the swimmers adapting to the change very well.  So far we have had positive feedback from Brio which will, in turn, hopefully allow us to move tow…
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Bank Holiday Monday  - session times changed. No Land Training on Tuesday 1st Sept.

  • 23 August 2020 17:31
On Bank Holiday Monday (31st Aug) the Brio Lifestyle Centre is opening on reduced hours. This affects our morning and evening sessions. 
The sessions will be as follows:
Monday 6 - 7.50am.
2 lane…
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Change to single lanes from Monday 24th August for all squads except Transition

  • 22 August 2020 12:12

From Monday 24th August, Development, Juggernaut and Masters squads will be moving to single lane swimming starting with a maximum of 4 swimmers per lane.

Transition squad will currently remain usin…

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Aqua Chimp Delamere - Sunday 13th September 10.30am

  • 22 August 2020 12:04
Update: Sorry now full!

Aqua Chimp Delamere

Sunday 13th September 10.30am


🎉🎊.     End of Season Party.  🎉🎊


Wild Shore have asked me to invite the first 50 swimmers and parents from the club to r…

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Reminder: Fins use on Sat and Sun am sessions

  • 21 August 2020 19:36
Brio have agreed the use of fins in training sessions and Dan has requested that swimmers bring fins for Saturday and Sunday mornings only - starting this weekend 22nd/23rd Aug.
Fins must be marke…
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Congratulations to all swimmers who completed their GCSEs in 2020

  • 20 August 2020 12:12
Congratulations on behalf of all the coaching team, and all at Winsford Swim Team to those swimmers who have completed their GCSE courses and achieved such fantastic results. Unfortunately due to Coro…
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