Reminder: You MUST have completed your Health Declaration Form and have a Brio number to access your requested swims next week.

  • 31 July 2020 20:33

There are a number of people who have places allocated in next week's training - in every squad - who still haven't completed the Health Declaration Form and/or provided Brio numbers. In some cases yo…

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Parent Volunteer needed to manage a portion of the Club Membership List

  • 31 July 2020 17:31

We are looking for a volunteer parent to look after a portion (O-Z) of the club's swimming membership, they will be responsible for answering queries from parents, keeping our membership spreadsheet u…

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Change to Wednesday morning training for Development for the Restart.

  • 29 July 2020 08:26
After reviewing the swimming programme we have initially decided to not have Development swimming on a Wednesday morning (5-6.20am).  Swim England have recommended a gradual return to training and we …
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Probable Time Change to Evening Sessions from Sept at Wild Shore, Delamere - swimmers please respond.

  • 27 July 2020 11:46

Delamere will need to change the time we swim on a Monday and Thursday evening (from Sept, I think but will confirm), due to the evenings starting to draw in, for swimmers safety, and so we can contin…

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